
GenPipes is developed by Canadian Centre for Computational Genomics (C3G). It offers genomic researchers a simple method to analyze different types of data, customizable to their needs and resources, as well as the flexibility to create their own workflows.

C3G provides bioinformatics analysis and HPC services for the life science research community. It has created a distributed innovation node with broad expertise in bioinformatics, providing customized and case-by-case analysis services as well as an extensive suite of software solutions for the genomics community.

About C3G

C3G is an academically-affiliated entity that provides bioinformatics analysis and HPC services for the life science research community. Main objectives of C3G are:

  1. Writing Open Source software to facilitate bioinformatics analysis. See here for details.

  2. Providing data analysis services to the genomics community.

  3. Training graduate students and researchers through bioinformatics workshops.

  4. Providing support for large scale genomics projects like IHEC, BRIDGET.

You can learn more about C3G and their partners on the website.