Citing and Citations

This section gives instructions on how to cite GenPipes Publications and lists examples of citing articles.

GenPipes Citation

When citing GenPipes for a publication, please cite the following article in you paper:


You can download the citation from the Download section below. A complete listing of all GenPipes publications is available in the Publications section under GenPipes Resources Navigation link on the left hand side of this documentation.

Citation Examples

  1. (June 2019) Colorectal cancer-derived extracellular vesicles induce transformation of fibroblasts into colon carcinoma cells. See PDF here.

  2. (May 2018) Whole Genome Sequencing for Mutation Discovery in Rare Neuro-developmental Disorders. Refer to the PDF here.

  3. (June 2019) GenPipes: an open-source framework for distributed and scalable genomic analysis. GigaScience, Volume 8, Issue 6,.

  4. BioRxiv GenPipes Paper DOI.

Download GenPipes Citation

Download Method Descriptions

Following are the methods descriptions for the DNA-seq and RNA-seq pipelines. GenPipes users can use these descriptions of methods in their manuscripts.