Readset File

Readsets refer to replicates that belong to a particular sample. If a sample was divided over 3 lanes, each lane output would be a readset of that sample. Most pipelines merge readsets and run the analysis based on samples. You can think of readsets as technical replicates while Samples as biological replicates.


Why does GenPipes need Readset file?

A readset file is another file that accompanies our pipelines. While the configuration files contains information about the parameters needed by the tools in the pipeline, the readset file contains information about the samples to be analyzed. In the Readset file, you list each readset used for the analysis, which samples are to be merged and where your fastq files or bam files are located.

Readset File format


Readset file format may vary for different GenPipes Pipelines. For example, ChIP-Seq, PacBio and Nanopore pipelines use a slightly different readset format as compared to DNA-Seq, RNA-Seq or Covseq pipelines.

General Readset File Format

The general readset file format is meant for the following pipelines only. Refer to other pipeline specific readset file format in the subsequent sections if it does not belong to the list below:

  1. DNA-Seq high Coverage,

  2. RNA-Seq,

  3. RNA-Seq De Novo Assembly,

  4. Amplicon-Seq,

  5. Tumor Pair,

  6. Methyl-Seq,

  7. CovSeq

For the pipelines listed above, the readset file is a tab-separated file that contains the information in the table below:




Sample must contain letters A-Z, numbers 0-9, hyphens (-) or underscores (_) only; BAM files will be merged into a file named after this value; mandatory.

Note: The definition of a sample in the context of GenPipes is the “input” biological sample, i.e. the sample on which processing such as IP, IgG assay (ChIPSeq Pipeline) or nothing (input) was performed. This is in contrast to sample being defined as the “sample sent for sequencing”.


a unique readset name with the same allowed characters as above; mandatory.




PAIRED_END or SINGLE_END; mandatory.






sequence of the forward trimming adapter


sequence of the reverse trimming adapter


quality score offset integer used for trimming; optional.


relative or absolute path to BED file; optional.


relative or absolute path to first FASTQ file for paired-end readset or single FASTQ file for single-end readset; mandatory if BAM value is missing.


relative or absolute path to second FASTQ file for paired-end readset; mandatory if RunType value is “PAIRED_END”.


relative or absolute path to BAM file which will be converted into FASTQ files if they are not available; mandatory if FASTQ1 value is missing, ignored otherwise.


If some optional information is missing, leave its position empty.

Example of Readset File

Sample  Readset     Library RunType     Run     Lane    Adapter1                            Adapter2                            QualityOffset   BED                 FASTQ1                              FASTQ2                              BAM

sampleA readset1    lib0001 PAIRED_END  run100  1       AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA   AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGTGT   33              path/to/file.bed    path/to/readset1.paired1.fastq.gz   path/to/readset1.paired2.fastq.gz   path/to/readset1.bam

sampleA readset2    lib0001 PAIRED_END  run100  2       AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA   AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGTGT   33              path/to/file.bed    path/to/readset2.paired1.fastq.gz   path/to/readset2.paired2.fastq.gz   path/to/readset2.bam

sampleB readset3    lib0002 PAIRED_END  run200  5       AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA   AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGTGT   33              path/to/file.bed    path/to/readset3.paired1.fastq.gz   path/to/readset3.paired2.fastq.gz   path/to/readset3.bam

sampleB readset4    lib0002 PAIRED_END  run200  6       AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA   AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGTGT   33              path/to/file.bed    path/to/readset4.paired1.fastq.gz   path/to/readset4.paired2.fastq.gz   path/to/readset4.bam

ChIP-Seq Pipeline Readset File Format

Use the following readset file format for the ChIP-Seq Pipeline. Do NOT use the general readset file format above for ChIP-Seq pipeline.




Sample must contain letters A-Z, numbers 0-9, hyphens (-) or underscores (_) only; BAM files will be merged into a file named after this value; mandatory.

Note: The definition of a sample in the context of GenPipes is the “input” biological sample, i.e. the sample on which processing such as IP, IgG assay (ChIPSeq Pipeline) or nothing (input) was performed. This is in contrast to sample being defined as the “sample sent for sequencing”.


a unique readset name with the same allowed characters as above; mandatory.


Name of the histone mark; mandatory


Type of mark for MACS2 calling. It must be either B (Broad), N (Narrow) or I (Input); mandatory




PAIRED_END or SINGLE_END; mandatory.






sequence of the forward trimming adapter


sequence of the reverse trimming adapter


quality score offset integer used for trimming; optional.


relative or absolute path to BED file; optional.


relative or absolute path to first FASTQ file for paired-end readset or single FASTQ file for single-end readset; mandatory if BAM value is missing.


relative or absolute path to second FASTQ file for paired-end readset; mandatory if RunType value is “PAIRED_END”.


relative or absolute path to BAM file which will be converted into FASTQ files if they are not available; mandatory if FASTQ1 value is missing, ignored otherwise.

Example of ChIP-Seq Readset File

Sample  Readset  MarkName MarkType Library RunType     Run     Lane    Adapter1                            Adapter2                            QualityOffset   BED                    FASTQ1                              FASTQ2                              BAM

sampleA readset1 H3K27ac  N        lib0001 PAIRED_END  run100  1       AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA   AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGTGT   33              path/to/file.bed       path/to/readset1.paired1.fastq.gz   path/to/readset1.paired2.fastq.gz   path/to/readset1.bam

sampleA readset2 H3K27ac  N        lib0001 PAIRED_END  run100  2       AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA   AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGTGT   33              path/to/file.bed       path/to/readset2.paired1.fastq.gz   path/to/readset2.paired2.fastq.gz   path/to/readset2.bam

sampleB readset3 Input    I        lib0002 PAIRED_END  run200  5       AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA   AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGTGT   33              path/to/file.bed       path/to/readset3.paired1.fastq.gz   path/to/readset3.paired2.fastq.gz   path/to/readset3.bam

sampleB readset4 Input    I        lib0002 PAIRED_END  run200  6       AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA   AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGTGT   33              path/to/file.bed       path/to/readset4.paired1.fastq.gz   path/to/readset4.paired2.fastq.gz   path/to/readset4.bam

PacBio Assembly Readset File Format

Use the following readset file format for the PacBio Assembly Pipeline. Do NOT use the general readset file format above for the PacBio Assembly.




Sample must contain letters A-Z, numbers 0-9, hyphens (-) or underscores (_) only; BAM files will be merged into a file named after this value; mandatory.


A unique readset name with the same allowed characters as above; mandatory




Total number of base pairs for this readset; mandatory


Estimated Genome size in numbers of base pairs used to compute seeding read length cutoff; mandatory


Comma-separated list of relative or absolute paths to BAS files (old PacBio format); mandatory; if BAX value is missing, ignored otherwise.


Comma-separated list of relative or absolute paths to BAX files; BAX file list is used first if both BAX/BAS lists are present; mandatory if BAS value is missing.

Example of PacBio Assembly Readset File

Sample  Readset     Smartcell   NbBasePairs EstimatedGenomeSize BAS                     BAX

sampleA readset1    F_01_1      122169744   150000              path/to/readset1.bas.h5 path/to/readset1.1.bax.h5,path/to/readset1.2.bax.h5,path/to/readset1.3.bax.h5

sampleA readset2    F_01_2      105503472   150000              path/to/readset2.bas.h5 path/to/readset2.1.bax.h5,path/to/readset2.2.bax.h5,path/to/readset2.3.bax.h5

sampleB readset3    G_01_1      118603200   150000              path/to/readset3.bas.h5 path/to/readset3.1.bax.h5,path/to/readset3.2.bax.h5,path/to/readset3.3.bax.h5

sampleB readset4    G_01_2      104239488   150000              path/to/readset4.bas.h5 path/to/readset4.1.bax.h5,path/to/readset4.2.bax.h5,path/to/readset4.3.bax.h5

Nanopore Pipeline Readset File Format

Use the following readset file format for the Nanopore Pipeline. Do NOT use the general readset file format above for the Nanopore Pipeline.




Sample must contain letters A-Z, numbers 0-9, hyphens (-) or underscores (_) only; BAM files will be merged into a file named after this value; mandatory.


A unique readset name with the same allowed characters as above; mandatory


A unique ONT run name, usually has a structure similar to PAE000_alb2c3d.


Code of the type of flowcell used. For example, the code for PromethION Flow Cell (R9.4) is FLO-PRO002.


Code of the type of library preparation kit used. For example, the code for the Ligation Sequencing Kit is SQK-LSK109.


Path to the sequencing_summary.txt file output by the ONT basecaller; mandatory.


The path to the fastq_pass directory, that is usually created by the basecaller; mandatory.


The path to the directory containing the raw fast5 files, before basecalling.

Example of PacBio Assembly Readset File

Sample  Readset     Run                 Flowcell    Library    Summary                                 FASTQ                         FAST5

sampleA readset1    PAE00001_abcd123    FLO-PRO002  SQK-LSK109 path/to/readset1_sequencing_summary.txt path/to/readset1/fastq_pass   path/to/readset1/fast5_pass

sampleA readset2    PAE00002_abcd456    FLO-PRO002  SQK-LSK109 path/to/readset2_sequencing_summary.txt path/to/readset2/fastq_pass   path/to/readset2/fast5_pass

sampleA readset3    PAE00003_abcd789    FLO-PRO002  SQK-LSK109 path/to/readset3_sequencing_summary.txt path/to/readset3/fastq_pass   path/to/readset3/fast5_pass

sampleA readset4    PAE00004_abcd246    FLO-PRO002  SQK-LSK109 path/to/readset4_sequencing_summary.txt path/to/readset4/fastq_pass   path/to/readset4/fast5_pass

Difference between a Genome Sample File and Readset file

Readsets refer to replicates that belong to a particular sample. If a sample was divided over 3 lanes, each lane output would be a readset of that sample. Most pipelines merge readsets and run the analysis based on samples. You can think of readsets as technical replicates while Samples as biological replicates.

Creating a Readset File

If you have access to Abacus, we provide a script $MUGQIC_PIPELINES_HOME/utils/ that can access your Nanuq data, creates symlinks to the data on Abacus and creates the Readset file for you.

If your data is on nanuq but you do not have access to Abacus, there is a helper script $MUGQIC_PIPELINES_HOME/utils/csvToreadset.R that takes a csv file downloadable from nanuq and creates the Readset file. However, you will have to download the data from Nanuq yourself.

If your data is not on nanuq, you will have to manually create the Readset file. You can use a template and enter your samples manually. Remember that it is a tab separated file. There is a helper $MUGQIC_PIPELINES_HOME/utils/ script that can validate the integrity of your readset file.


For abacus users with Nanuq readsets

If your readsets belong to a Nanuq project, use $MUGQIC_PIPELINES_HOME/utils/ script to automatically create a Readset File and symlinks to your readsets on abacus.