GenPipes 4.4.1 Release Notes

What’s new?

This is a minor release with bug fixes.

  • RNASeq Light Pipeline bug:

    • Fixed kallisto step failing because of missing mkdir command during jobs creation.

  • EpiQC Pipeline bug:

    • Fixed chromoimpute_preprocess command to avoid conflicts with chromimpute_convert command.

Quick! Where can I find it? I can’t wait!

Where is the detailed ChangeLog?

A ChangeLog ( is available in the archive as well as in the repository.

Since we use git, there are many ways to get the details in many formats. One of our preferred ways is to use a script written by the author of the Ray assembler: Sébastien Boisvert, which lists the commits by tag and author:

Enjoy our pipelines on the many clusters where they are installed!